2025 Workshops: Wednesday, June 18, 2025
Registration for workshops is available when registering for the meeting.
Morning Workshops 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Workshop 1: ICS Workshop – Urodynamics Indications and Interpretation
Chair: Howard Goldman (USA)
Faculty: Christian Cobreros (Argentina), Carlos Erranda (Spain), John Heesakkers (Netherlands), Pedro Blasco Hernandez (Spain)
Description – Urodynamic evaluation is a critical tool to evaluate lower urinary tract function. This workshop will review the indications for UDS, methods of interpretation and troubleshooting. Esteemed urodynamic experts will share the reasons for obtaining urodynamic testing and go over the basics of how to interpret urodynamics and then review multiple cases. In addition, they will review common artifacts and how to identify and prevent them.
Workshop supported by Laborie Medical Technologies
Workshop 2: Surgical Treatment Options for Apical Prolapse
Chair: Anna Rosamilia (Australia), Co-chair: Sascha Vereeck (Belgium)
Faculty: Peter Dwyer (Australia), Stefaan Pacquée (Australia), Joan Melendez (Spain)
Description – Different surgical techniques exist to treat apical prolapse. The aim of this workshop is to ameliorate the knowledge of the different techniques based on the current literature and to practice all of them during the extensive hands-on training in small groups. The techniques discussed and during the hands-on training will include both vaginal techniques, eg sacrospinous fixation, Manchester repair; and minimal invasive techniques, eg vNOTES high uterosacral ligament suspension; laparoscopic/robotic sacral colpopexy, including harvesting of fascia lata.
Workshop 3: Vesicovaginal Fistula: Prevention and Management
Chair: Mohan Chandra Regmi (Nepal), Co-chair: Chi Chiung Grace Chen (USA)
Faculty: Laura Kent (USA), Amita Jain (India), Baburam Dixit (Nepal)
Description – This interactive and hands on workshop will give insight about Vesicovaginal Fistula and provide opportunity to learn the surgical repair techniques in simulation module.
Workshop 4: Management of Bowel Disorders Associated with Combined Pelvic Organ and Rectal Prolapse. A combined IUGA and ASCRS Workshop
Chair: Craig Olson (USA), Co-chair: Shannon Wallace (USA)
Faculty: Liliana Bordeianou (USA), Brooke Gurland (USA), Cristiane Carboni (Brazil), Abbas Shobeiri (USA)
Description – Pelvic organ prolapse is a multispeciality disease and we are bringing together IUGA and ASCRS to help manage bowel disorders in combined pelvic organ patients.
Workshop 5: Hands-on Workshop on Diagnosis and Repair of 3rd /4th Degree Obstetric Tears
Chair: Abdul Sultan (UK), Co-chair: Ranee Thakar (UK)
Faculty: Shasindran Ramanujam (Malaysia)
Description – This hands-on workshop is essential for everyone involved in the management of childbirth and the potential consequences of acute obstetric anal sphincter Injuries At the conclusion of this presentation, the participant will be able to understand anal sphincter anatomy and physiology, diagnose and repair all OASIS, understand anal endosonography and manage subsequent pregnancies.
Workshop 6: Laparoscopy With and Without Robotic Assistance for Colposuspension and Sacrocolpopexy
Chair: Rajeev Ramanah (France), Co-chair: Harpreet Arora (Australia)
Faculty: Dean Conrad (Australia), Cornelia Betschart (Switzerland), Erika Hunter (USA)
Description – Attendees will be able to train on how to perform colposuspension and sacrocolpopexy using laparoscopic and Da Vinci Xi robot simulators.
Workshop 7: The New and Fundamentals in Refractory Overactive Bladder
Chair: Dudley Robinson (UK)
Faculty: Angela Rantell (UK), Annika Taithongchai (UK), George Araklitis (UK), Howard Goldman (USA)
Description – Overview of the advancements in refractory overactive bladder management, including hands on sessions for sacro-neuromodulation, intravesical Botox injections and PTNS and tips in setting up your own services.
Workshop 8: Urogynecological Imaging – Why Upright Imaging Makes Sense
Chair: Anique Grob (Netherlands)
Faculty: John Delancey (USA), Luyun Chen (USA), Frieda van den Noort (Netherlands), Frank Simonis (Netherlands)
Description – Always wanted to learn more about differences in supine versus upright imaging? Get inspired by “clinician meets engineer” success stories.
Workshop 9: Transvaginal Meshes for Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Insights from Countries Where It Is Still an Option
Chair: Enrique Ubertazzi (Argentina), Co-chair: Lucila Paván (Argentina)
Faculty: Hector Soderini (Argentina), Carlos Rondini (Chile), Geoff Cundiff (Canada), Jan-Paul Roovers (Netherlands)
Description – TVM remains available in many countries. We analyze its current reality, focusing on politics, indications, techniques, training, and materials.
Workshop 10: Genital Reconstructive Surgery in Male to Female Transgender Patients: Surgical Techniques, Complication Profiles, and Functional Outcomes
Chair: Bruno Deval (France), Co-chair: Ervin Kocjancic (USA)
Description – Transgender women may opt for genital gender-affirming surgery (gGAS), which comprises bilateral orchiectomy, gender-affirming vulvoplasty, or vaginoplasty. Vaginoplasty is chosen most frequently in this population, penile inversion vaginoplasty being the surgical gold standard patient-reported outcomes. In this Work-shop, we discuss the various types of gGAS for transgender women, contra-indications, intraoperative considerations, techniques, surgical outcomes, and postoperative care.
Workshop 11: Step by Step Vaginal Surgery
Chairs: Shimon Ginath (Israel) and Stefano Salvatore (Italy)
Description – An interactive workshop with KOL’s in the field of Vaginal Surgery. The aim of this workshop is to discuss indications, technical approaches, possible complications and their management for vaginal reconstructive surgical procedure. The description of the different techniques will be addressed to trainees or young specialists who desire to improve their knowledge in this field,
Workshop 12: Ultrasound in Urogynecology, What is the Best Approach?
Chair: Abbas Shobeiri (USA), Co-chair: Cristina Ros (Spain)
Faculty: Kamil Svabik (Czech Republic), Jordi Cassadó (Spain)
Description – Applicability of urogynecological ultrasound in urinary and fecal incontinence and genital prolapse will be presented, including transperineal and endovaginal approach.
Workshop 25: Mastering Robotic Sacrocolpopexy: Live Surgery and Expert Insights with the Hugo™ RAS System
Chair: Prof Alfredo Ercoli (Italy), Prof Stefano Salvatore (Italy)
Faculty: Dr. Giovanni Panico (Italy), Dr. Sara Mastrovito (Italy), Dr. Geert De Naeyer (Belgium), Dr. Andrea Noya Mourullo (Spain), Dr. Davide Arrigo (Italy)
Description – This workshop is designed for urogynecologists seeking to deepen their understanding of robotic sacrocolpopexy using the Medtronic Hugo™ Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS) System. It features a live procedure that showcases the system’s capabilities in pelvic floor reconstruction, complemented by expert lectures on the latest techniques, outcomes, and innovations. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with leading specialists, gaining valuable insights into robotic surgery and minimally invasive pelvic health solutions. This session aims to enhance participants’ skills and knowledge, keeping them at the forefront of this evolving field.
Workshop sponsored by Medtronic
Afternoon Workshops 1:00 – 5:00 PM
Workshop 13: PROTECT Workshop
Chair: Abdul Sultan (UK)
Description – Part of the 4-step PROTECT: Prevention and Repair Of perineal Trauma Episiotomy through Coordinated Training. Registration is ONLY available to IUGA members who have completed Step 1 (Online Modules) and Step 2 (OASIS Hands-on Workshop offered at the IUGA Meeting or one conducted by a PROTECT-trained trainer in the previous 48 months). For more information on PROTECT, please visit:
Workshop 14: vNOTES Mastery: Advanced Techniques in Gynaecology & Urogynecology
Chair: Jan Baekelandt (Belgium), Co-chair: Supuni Kapurubandara (Australia)
Faculty: Matthew Izett (UK), Kazila Butia (Singapore), Susanne Housmans (Belgium), Deep Gopinath (Australia)
Description – vNOTES is rapidly expanding as an essential part of the gynaecologists aremantareum. This is particularly relevant to urogynaecologists whereby it allows apical support, adnexectomy and other concurrent gynaecological procedures in addition to hysterectomy where clinically indicated. However, it remains a novel technology for many and roll out needs to be by the appropriate surgeon, for the appropriate patient, and supported by appropriate infrastructure and governance frameworks. This workshop will support attendees with the information and resources to be able to expand on existing vNOTES skills and knowledge and widening the gynaecological indications to utilise vNOTES in their practice.
Workshop 15: Sacral Neuromodulation for the Modern Day Urogynaecology Specialist
Chair: Bernadette Brown (Australia), Lucy Bates (Australia)
Faculty: Danii Paterson (Australia), Oliver Daly (Australia)
Description – Our practical hands-on workshop will guide you to introducing sacral neuromodulation as a valuable third line treatment option for patients with overactive bladder, voiding dysfunction, bladder related pain conditions and accidental bowel leakage.
Workshop 16: Tips and Tricks to Improve Urogynecolgical Surgery Outcomes (Spanish workshop) Trucos y Manas Para Mejorar Los Resultados de Cirugía Uroginecologica
Chair: G. Willy Davila (USA), Co-chair: Maria Emilia Alcoba (Argentina)
Faculty: Sebastian Perez-Junqueira (Argentina), Camilo Fonseca (Colombia), Heriberto Lizaola (Mexico), Lucila Pavan (Argentina)
Description – Urogynecologic surgery is part science and part art. Experienced pelvic surgeons will share (via video clips) how they make surgery more efficient and safer. This session will be in Spanish. Spanish translation: Cirugia uroginecologica es parte ciencia y parte arte. Cirujanos de vasta experiencia compartiran (via videos cortos) maneras para hacer la cirugia mas eficiente e segura. Se enfocara el cuidado pre-operatorio tanto como intra-operatorio.
Workshop 17: Pelvic Floor Ultrasound: Imaging for Incontinence, Prolapse and Maternal Birth Trauma
Chair: Hans Peter Dietz (Australia)
Faculty: Ka Lai Shek (Hong Kong SAR/ Australia), Kamil Svabik (Czech Republic)
Description – The workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the basic methodology and clinical uses of pelvic floor ultrasound imaging, using 2D and 3D/4D ultrasound technology. Live scans will demonstrate common findings and basic technique.
Workshop 18: Native Tissue Repair Surgeries for Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Chair: K.W. Roy Ng (Singapore)
Faculty: Peter Dwyer (Australia), Tsia-Shu Lo (Taiwan), Engelbert Hanzal (Austria)
Description – This interactive native tissue repair for POP Workshop would encompass McCall culdeplasty, Manchester repair, uterosacral and sacrospinous ligament hysteropexy & colpopexy and colpocleisis by an experienced international faculty using case presentations, aided by surgical videos & photographs.
Workshop 19: Sex and the Pelvic Floor Professional
Chair: Claudine Domoney (UK)
Faculty: Barry O Reilly (Ireland), Miti Rach (UK/India), Sònia Anglès-Acedo (Spain)
Description – Prolapse and incontinence: how to talk about sex, impact of treatment, sex toys or medical devices? All you need to know about sex professionally.
Workshop 20: Advances in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Chair: Cristiane Carboni (Brazil)
Faculty: Montse Rejano Campo (Canada), Małgorzata Starzec-Proserpio (Poland), Bärbel Junginger (Germany), Xiaoyu Niu (China)
Description – Comprehensive workshop on pelvic floor assessment & rehabilitation, featuring discussions and learning sessions on PFM training, ultrasonography, & radiofrequency.
Workshop 21: A Deep Insight into the Overactive Bladder in Women: The Tip of the Iceberg
Chair: Fulya Dokmeci (Turkey)
Faculty: Maurizio Serati (Italy), Anna Padoa (Israel), Benoit Peyronnet (France)
Description – Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB), is a debilitating disorder with a severe impact on the quality of life of women. Current recommendations underscore the importance of shared decision-making to choose the optimal individualized treatment, instead of the traditional “step treatment” algorithms primarily based on starting from noninvasive approaches to minimal invasive ones. This new approach for individualized treatment requires improved understanding of the clinical profile of each woman with OAB. Although accumulation of findings from recent studies regarding the pathophysiology of OAB are still far from clarifying the etiology, they are gradually leading to an improved understanding on the wide variety of possible underlying mechanisms. These recent findings provide important clues for clinicians to re-evaluate their patients within a broader perspective. This interactive workshop aims 1. To present and discuss these findings through the discussion of complex cases and 2. To stimulate a lively discussion on future management strategies based on re-conceptualization of this disease.
Workshop 22: The Potential of Pessaries and Medical Devices in Treatment of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Chair: Markus Huebner (Germany), Co-chair: Juliane Marschke (Germany)
Faculty: Miriam Deniz (Germany), Kathrin Beilecke (Germany), Julia von Schell (Germany)
Description – Diagnosis, conservative treatment and prevention of POP, bladder – and bowel dysfunction in different periods of a woman´s life.
Workshop 23: Applications of Energy Based Devices in Urogynecology
Chair: Christian Phillips (UK)
Faculty: Stefano Salvatore (Italy), David Lukanovic (Slovenia), Stavros Athansiou (Greece)
Description – An interactive workshop with KOL’s in the field of EBD’s. The aim of this workshop is to discuss the modes of action for the 4 main types of energy-based devices and present the clinical applications for each technology along with the evidence for use in clinical practice. The objective is to enlighten delegates on the diversity of EBD’s as well as empower them to know what to look for when considering introducing an EBD into their clinical practice. The workshop will have a combination of lectures, video presentations and interactive sessions to promote discussion, interaction and an opportunity for delegates to see first-hand applications and usability of lasers used for urogynaecology.
Workshop 24: The International Collaborative Masterclass in Robotic Urogynaecology
Chair: Salwan Al-Salihi (Australia), Co-chair: Ivilina Pandeva (UK)
Faculty: Mark Slack (UK), Felicity Gould (Australia), Ruth Cameron-Jeffs (Australia)
Description – This is a fully interactive workshop, using visual aids and surgical videos demonstrating live simulation for a range of urogynaecological surgeries done robotically. There are anatomical and cadaver videos providing basic anatomical backgrounds for both common and innovative surgeries. The workshop showcases the broad ligament approach to robotic mesh sacral hysteropexy, Robotic Uterosacral ligament suspension using Novel grafting technique where the ligament is shortened and reattached for apical support. Adding to that, the suture technique and the autologous facia lata sacral hysteropexy. The workshop will expand on cases when hysterectomies are done concomitant to apical suspension. The workshop is based on live interaction between the audience and the presenters with hands on practical session giving opportunity to the participants to experience simulated surgery. The workshop will expand on experiences in using single port surgery and a variety in innovative approach to Urogynaecology surgery. It also expand towards mesh complications surgeries and the robotic approach towards such surgeries.