Alternative Hotels
For all alternative hotel options, please click here.
Below are suggestions for alternative hotel options with additional availability and prices.
Hotel NH Barcelona Stadium Approximately 15 minutes by public transit from the meeting venue.
Hotel Madanis Barcelona Approximately 10 minutes by public transit from the meeting venue.
The Corner Hotel Approximately 20 minutes by public transit from the meeting venue.
Hotel Catalonia Approximately 20 minutes by public transit from the meeting venue.
Hotel Ilunion Spa Barcelona Approximately 15 minutes walk from the meeting venue.
Hotel Abba Garden Approximately 15 minutes walk from the meeting venue.
Hotel Arya Stadium Approximately 25 minutes walk from the meeting venue.
Hotel Madanis Liceo Approximately 10 minutes by public transit from the meeting venue.
Hotel Alguer Camp Nou pproximately 10 minutes by public transit from the meeting venue.